to Dec 10

BIO 101: Cells

  • Google Calendar ICS

Semester: Fall
Teaching: 2016, 2017, 2018
The study of the structure and function of representative prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Chemical makeup, organelle interactions, energy producing and biosynthetic reactions will be stressed. Three lecture periods, one three-hour laboratory period. First of three courses in the core program.

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to Dec 10

BIO 412/612: Neurobiology

Semester: Fall, Spring
Offered: 2016, 2017, 2018
Introduction to the structure and function of the vertebrate nervous system. Major topics will include the molecular and cellular basis of neuronal activities, sensory and motor systems, behavior, and higher mental processes. The neurobiology of disease and neuroethics will also be discussed. Laboratory work will include hands-on experience of several modern neurobiological techniques to measure molecular and biochemical changes in mouse brain. Two 50-minute lecture periods, one four-hour laboratory period. Prerequisites: BIO 201 and CHM 125.

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to May 2

BIO 102: Genetics

  • Google Calendar ICS

Semester: Spring
Teaching: 2017, 2018
The study of heredity and the mechanism of transmission of genetic information in biological systems. The course material is approached from the population, organismic, and biochemical perspectives. Three lecture periods, one three-hour laboratory period. First of three courses in the core program. Prerequisite: BIO 101.

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to May 3

BIO 412/612: Neurobiology

Semester: Spring
Offered: 2017
Introduction to the structure and function of the vertebrate nervous system. Major topics will include the molecular and cellular basis of neuronal activities, sensory and motor systems, behavior, and higher mental processes. The neurobiology of disease and neuroethics will also be discussed. Laboratory work will include hands-on experience of several modern neurobiological techniques to measure molecular and biochemical changes in mouse brain. Two 50-minute lecture periods, one four-hour laboratory period. Prerequisites: BIO 201 and CHM 125.

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